Stranger Soul Mate

Stranger Soul Mate

As a loner in this world

Trying to figure things out on my own

Forever stuck in my shelter

I pass by love all time

Not waiting to say hi

Yet I feel a hole in my heart

Like something is missing

But I am not interested in filling it up

Then we met one winter

But stuck in the storm

For hours, we shivered

But in those hours, we spoke, we laughed

Like silly old friends who missed the train

It was so sweet that I could find a soul mate in you

A stranger whom I met on a stormy night!

But somehow that hole in my heart filled up

I knew I've found love

My sweet soul mate

Someone I could hold and love and cherish

But sadly it ended that night

Because we were just stuck in the storm

But he's forever my stranger soul mate

However I now say hi to love from time to time

Copyright© black_christian 2020

All Rights Reserved

Babatunde Eunice 


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